Exeter Lib Dems' take on 'devolution' in Devon
Far from devolving power closer to the people, the government’s proposals this week to abolish district councils amount to a centralisation of power to higher tier authorities.
It would mean bigger, less representative councils. Less diversity in representation too due to time demands.
Less opportunity for the local community to be actively involved in decisions that will have a huge impact on their lives.
Crazily, Exeter would still need a lower tier ‘town’ council, so this reorganisation wastes time and money just to worsen our democratic voice.
Labour also want to impose mayors across England. But Bristol has shown how mayors create vacuums for democracy - too much power centralised in the hands of one hard-to-hold-to-account team whilst local councillors and residents are ignored, generating wasteful decision-making.
All this to give central government more influence to push through their agenda.
This contempt for democracy is underscored by the way Labour have gone about making change. Let alone change being driven by the communities affected, Labour has relegated consultation to an after-thought.
We will campaign for Labour to listen and relent.
Liberal Democrats believe in a federal UK - with fairness, clarity of responsibility, and decision-making as close to the people as possible. This is the way we ensure the change we need. These are also the principles that guide our campaigning on this issue in these fast moving times.