Exeter Lib Dems
About Us
People who join the Liberal Democrats are members of a national party, within a Federal Structure, but are also members of a local party where they live. Exeter Liberal Democrats encompasses the parliamentary seat of Exeter.
As a local party, we encourage our members and supporters to take part in local party activities be they of a social, political or campaigning nature.
At our Annual General Meeting, normally held in November, present members elect an Executive committee; who are responsible for the running of the local party for the following 12 months. Officers are also elected for the forthcoming year. Members of the local party are involved in selecting both parliamentary and local government Liberal Democrat candidates.
As Exeter City Council has a thirds system for electing councillors, the local party is campaigning and fighting elections every year. In the fourth year, when there are no Exeter City elections, elections take place for Devon County Council.
In 2019, the Liberal Democrat Cllrs on Exeter City Council joined with a Green Party Cllr and an Independent Cllr to form the Progressive Group. This group is co-led by Liberal Democrat Councillor Michael Mitchell.
If you would like to know more about Exeter Liberal Democrats please see the What we stand for, Contact Us, and Local Wards pages.